MARCH 2025
Please join us for the 11am morning service,
we are studying the book of n "Hebrews".
In the evening at 6.30 pm,
(occasionally we meet at 5pm, but see below)
we're looking 'Women of the Bible'
Both services are live-streamed on our YouTube and Facebook channels.
If you wish to know more, email us via the 'Contact Us' tab above.
Please be assured of our prayers.
(Children Sunday School & Crèche
- same time as Adults)
Christianity Explored will be run on every so often on Wednesday nights at Dovecot church. Everyone is welcome! It is for anyone who wants to find out more about the Christian faith in an informal way with a small group of people.
To know more about joining us, use the 'Contact Us' page to email us.
Sunday 30th March 2025
11.00 AM
Hebrews 5:13-6:20
Restoration that would be impossible
Steve Case
6.30 PM
Women of the Bible
Les Cain

Creation Matters

On each night in the week at 8pm there will be other Creation Matters talks by people at other Churches throughout Liverpool, See details below:
Monday 5th Why is Creation Important? ~ Professor Andy McIntosh Bethel Church, Green Lane, Liverpool L13 7EA
Tuesday 6th Does Archaeology Confirm the Bible? ~ Joseph Hubbard Dovecot Evangelical Church, East Prescot Road L14 2EH
Wednesday 7th What about Climate Change? ~ Joseph Hubbard Belvidere Church, Belvedere Academy, Belvidere Road L8 3TF
Wednesday 7th 'Adam - The First and the Last’ ~ Simon Turpin Bethany Chapel, Copplehouse Lane L10 0AR
Thursday 8th People are Amazing - Features that couldn’t evolve ~ Philip Bell Aughton Park Baptist Church, Long Lane, Ormskirk. L39 5BZ
Thursday 8th Answering Atheism ~ Simon Turpin Stanley Park Baptist Church, 65 Walton Ln, Liverpool L4 4HQ
Friday 9th The Pagan Roots of Evolution ~ Joseph Hubbard Belvidere Church, Belvedere Academy, Belvidere Road L8 3TF
Thank you for visiting our website!
Our website is aimed at giving you an introduction to who we are, what we're about, and what we get up to. So whether you're new to us, to Dovecot, to Christianity, or just curious about the Church or the Christian faith, follow the menu links to find out more.
If you are new to us, look in "About Us" where you'll see some faces, read about what “We Believe”, find out the times of our “Meetings”, and how to get to us, we'd love to meet you in person.
If your interest is deeper and have concerns, needs or are searching for a way to God, we can help you. We hope one of the following will prove helpful:
Feel free to contact us via the website or better, come and see us at one of our services.