Who, when and why? The apostle Paul wrote the 2 Corinthians after he left Ephesus for Macedonia around 57 AD. It had been needful for him to make a second visit which he calls a painful visit (2:1) to correct some errors that had arisen in the Church and to give instruction about a financial gift to the needy Christian Church in Jerusalem
In Paul's second letter to the Corinthians, he again refers to himself as an apostle of Christ Jesus by the will of God. He reassures the people of Corinth that he will not make another painful visit to them and reassures them the love he has for them. Paul felt the situation in Corinth was still complicated and felt attacked. Some had challenged his authority and Paul writes to defend himself and some of his important teachings. He teaches the importance of forgiveness in the local Church (for repentant erring members), and the glory of God’s New Covenant that comes from the Spirit of the living God Himself. In this letter Paul teaches the importance giving generously to God’s people and ends with his own experience of how God had worked powerfully in his own life and experience
1:1-11 – Greeting
1:12 - 7:16 – Paul defends his actions and ministry affirming his affection for the Corinthian Church.
8:1 - 9:15 – Instructions for the collection for the poor in the Jerusalem church.
10:1 - 13:10 – A polemic defense of his apostleship
13:11-14 – Closing greetings and farewell
Easton’s Bible Dictionary tells us: “This epistle, it has been well said, shows the individuality of the apostle more than any other. "Human weakness, spiritual strength, the deepest tenderness of affection, wounded feeling, sternness, irony, rebuke, impassioned self-vindication, humility, a just self-respect, zeal for the welfare of the weak and suffering, as well as for the progress of the church of Christ and for the spiritual advancement of its members, are all displayed in turn in the course of his appeal."